Woburn Village
Woburn is a beautiful Georgian village located about 5 miles (8.0 km) from Milton Keynes, and just 3 miles from junction 12/13 of the M1 Motorway.
Nearby is Woburn Abbey, Woburn Safari Park and Woburn Centre Parcs. In Woburn village visit Woburn’s Georgian centre and the Woburn Heritage Centre local history museum.
A popular feature in Woburn village is the monthly Market on the third Sunday of the month organised by the Village Traders.
In the village is a good selection of specialist shops, services, pubs, restaurants, and hotels.
There is a free public car park in Park Street where you can park all day without charge. The postcode is MK17 9PG.
See more details on the village Wesbite: http://www.woburnvillage.co.uk